Introduction to Classical Mechanics: With Problems and Solutions

by David Morin

5.0/5.0 (2)

This textbook covers all the standard introductory topics in classical mechanics, including Newton's laws, oscillations, energy, momentum, angular momentum, planetary motion, and special relativity. It also explores more advanced topics, such as normal modes, the Lagrangian method, gyroscopic motion, fictitious forces, 4-vectors, and general relativity. It contains more than 250 problems with detailed solutions so students can easily check their understanding of the topic. There are also over 350 unworked exercises which are ideal for homework assignments. The vast number of problems alone makes it an ideal supplementary text for all levels of undergraduate physics courses in classical mechanics. Remarks are scattered throughout the text, discussing issues that are often glossed over in other textbooks, and it is thoroughly illustrated with more than 600 figures to help demonstrate key concepts.

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A great textbook that explains every concept in mechanics in intricate detail. It also goes over special topics such as the moment of inertia tensor and the lagrangian that can make solving olympiad level physics problems much easier.



ive actually never read this book and im instead testing the review system